.. django-postman documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Fri Nov 26 09:32:49 2010. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Welcome to django-postman's documentation! ========================================== This is an application for `Django `_-powered websites. A list of available translations is maintained in the `Wiki `_. Your contribution to the translations is welcomed `here `_. Basically, the purpose is to allow authenticated users of a site to exchange private **messages** within the site. In this documentation, the word *user* is to be understood as an instance of a User, in the django.contrib.auth context. So it is mainly for a User-to-User exchange. But it may be beneficial for a subscriber to receive inquiries from any visitor, ie even if non authenticated. For instance, a subscriber as a service provider wants an ask-me-details form on a presentation page to facilitate possible business contacts. In this case, the visitor is presented a compose message form with an additional field to give an email address for the reply. The email is obfuscated to the recipient. What is a message ? Roughly a piece of text, about a subject, sent by a sender to a recipient. Each user has access to a collection of messages, stored in folders: * **Inbox** for incoming messages * **Sent** for sent messages * **Archives** for archived messages * **Trash** for messages marked as deleted In folders, messages can be presented in two modes: * by **conversation**, for a compact view: the original message and its replies are grouped in a set to constitute one sole entry. The lastest message (based on the time) is the representative of the set. * by **message**, for an expanded view: each message is considered by itself. Here is a summary of features: * A non-User (email is undisclosed) can write to a User and get a reply (can be disabled by configuration) * Exchanges can be moderated (with auto-accept and auto-reject plug-ins) * Optional recipient filter plug-ins * Optional exchange filtering plug-ins (blacklists) * Multi-recipient writing is possible (can be disabled by configuration) with min/max constraints * Messages are managed by conversations * Messages in folders are sortable by sender|recipient|subject|date * 'Archives' folder in addition to classic Inbox, Sent and Trash folders * A Quick-Reply form to only ask for a response text * A cleanup management command to clear the old deleted messages It has support for optional additional applications: * Autocomplete recipient field (default is 'django-ajax-selects'), with multiple recipient management * New message notification (default is `pinax-notifications`_) * Asynchronous mailer (default is `django-mailer`_) .. _`pinax-notifications`: https://github.com/pinax/pinax-notifications/ .. _`django-mailer`: https://github.com/pinax/django-mailer/ Moderation ---------- As an option, messages may need to be validated by a moderator before to be visible to the recipient. Possible usages are: * to control there is no unwanted words in the text fields. * to make sure that no direct contact informations are exchanged when the site is an intermediary and delivers services based on subscription fees. Messages are first created in a *pending* state. A moderator is in charge to change them to a *rejected* or *accepted* state. This operation can be done in two ways: * By a person, through the Admin site. A specially simplified change view is provided, with one-click buttons to accept or reject the message. * Automatically, through one or more auto-moderator functions. Filters ------- As options, custom filters can disallow messages, in two ways: * **user filter**: a user is not in a state to act as a recipient * **exchange filter**: criteria for a message between a specific sender and a specific recipient are not fulfilled ---- Contents: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 quickstart moderation notification views features tags-filters management api faq Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`